Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hong Kong Bars & Clubs

Cocktail Lounges - Virtually all hotels in Hong Kong have cocktail lounges, I have limited my selection here for three but with great views, since you are in one of the most romantically pretty cities in the world, why not settle for anything less?

Causeway Bay & Wan Chai - Wan Chai before was a Hong Kong's most notorious nightlife scene for raunchy bars, is back on the scene with a quick growing number of bars and sexy club shows with hottest female dancers, particularly on Lockhart and Luard roads.

Sexy Bars & Hot Clubs - Hong Kong's world of disco clubs and sexy bars has changed in the past few years. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, Wan Chai was really an action place to be, buzzing with seaman's fresh off their ships and soldiers on leave from Vietnam. It was a world of two-bit hotels, raunchy bars, narrow streets, and alleyways where men came for a good drink, brawl and spend money on women.

Recently most of Wan Chai has become respectable, an area full of new buildings, mushrooming high-rises, and Hong Kong's expansive convention center. There is a great development on Lockhart and Luard roads and consisting of best bars catering to young revelers and shows of sexy dancers.

Night-out Tips: If you decide to explore on your own, be sure to know all the charges.

Here some Hong Kong nightlife video guide to preview:

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